Friday, November 15, 2019

Up Date Regarding My Hubby Sid And I

Sid has a friend Rae who he sits with for lunch when nurse takes him by wheelchair  there. I have gotten to be friends with his wife. So talking one day. I mentioned I wanted to get a place so I do not have to travel so far to see Sid. Second day back at the dining room. She said I have a Niece who is planning to rent her basement apt. It is really beautiful. Nothing dark about it. Windows she has pretty little curtains up. So it is light the rooms. It has Wi-Fi, Washer And Drier, Dishwasher, Netflix's, Central Air-condition for summer.  It is spacious living. So the lady said. I will phone her to-night if you would be interested in it. Oh she said. She is a 911 Operator. How good is that.  And seeing you have sciatic on and off. There is a Transit Bus that will pick you up from the house and bring you back to the house. It is like 4 minutes a way to see Sid at the Hospital.   My mouth dropped a mile. Family went to look with me. They said it is lovely. 

So I am moving in in two weeks. Plus she the owner has a Electric Chair put down the stairs for me after the movers have been. Getting the proper people to install it professionally.
I can use it any time needed or put parcels on it to go down the stairs.  All this is a miracle. There is a bed sofa if I want . I can get all my furniture in it. Storage space lots. The kitchen is nice and long. And two bar chairs I call them if I want them.

I am so excited.  For three months my daughter and son have had to travel each day to see Sid. And it has been very stressful. As one cannot stay too long. We always have to leave there  to beat the traffic going to cottages or to Toronto.   
Another good news ( Sid has been measured for a better wheelchair  to get about. He can use his good hand to wheel the chair but being so hard for him to sit on the old wheelchair for his bottom. I pray the one we pick for him will help him considerably.  So there is many activities we could go too in the hospital.
Sid has a voice so that is great and always humor and funny faces. He had speech therapy at first and his mouth has corrected its self. He has a good hand . With me beside him. We can I am sure participate in a couple of things. We both are people persons. So we will manage. My grown adults will still visit but it will be much easier for them to come at there own time. As both work as well. And some weekends. Friends have been up alot in nice weather but with Winter soon  to stay. It may be hard to be more steady. That is okay. The Lord has provide for me. 

Ross Memorial  Hospital

We are sitting across from it.  People come through front Entrance.
This hospital was the hospital  I had  both knees done. I had the most wonderful surgeon. Unfortunately months later he was killed by a Truck that jackknifed and killed him. He was loved by all. Only 49 Years old.


My Hubby and I having a treat from Daughter.  Sid had to make a face.  Licking Good

                                                Before this Stroke Happened.

We had thrown him a Surprise party for his 80th.
                                            Granddaughter Melissa 

Was open House  for his 8Oth. He loved it.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

What wonderful news, it sounds like the perfect set-up, and affording you more lovely visiting days with your husband.
I've used the electric stairway lifts and they are very convenient, especially when the dreaded sciatic nerve flares up.
Thoughts and prayers for continued better days to you both.

Carol Henstra said...

Thank you Jo .

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful news Carol. I am so happy for you! Valerie

Theresa said...

What a blessing! I know this will make life better as you visit Sid! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

Granny Marigold said...

How perfect this new place will be for you. I'm so glad everything is working out so well.

Taluula said...

It's good to see life is getting better for you both.

HappyK said...

Sounds like this apartment will be perfect for you.
I pray things continue to improve.
God Bless you.

Michele said...

i'm so happy you have a place to go to be near your hubby! xo